The John Burt Leadership Podcast
Join conversations designed to help individuals tap their inner-core and drive their core purpose as leaders by subscribing to the John Burt Leadership Podcast. In each episode, John discusses leadership principles and strategies developed over 38 years leading organizations and coaching clients through growth and change, and interviews with extraordinary leaders that are inspiring their organizations and communities.
The John Burt Leadership Podcast
Leadership, Talent & Culture
Intelligent Leadership is a transformational, results-driven leadership growth philosophy and process that ignites, cultivates and polishes an individual's heart, mind, and soul in support of creating a truly exceptional leadership and culture capability in an organization.
John Burt is joined by John Mattone, the world's leading executive coach, author, speaker and founder of four exceptional leadership development companies. We discuss Intelligent Leadership and the 12 tenets of this extraordinary philosophy.
Intelligent Leadership Tenet #11 and #12 - Leadership, Talent and Culture are the true leading indicators of sustained operating success in any organization. The individual and collective mindsets of "can-do", "will-do" and "must-do" determine both the individual and collective sustained success. Studies show that individuals are 10 times more likely to leave their job due to a toxic culture than for compensation. Leaders are primarily accountable for creating the culture of an organization - sometimes unknowingly.
What you "think" influences how you feel and how you behave as an individual and as a leader. Sames is true for organizations. Employees and leaders that think they have the capabilities (the can-do) have the potential for extraordinary performance. If employees and leaders are committed (the will-do) they execute to accomplish the task. However, if the employees and leaders share a common, interconnectedness (the must-do), they can and will perform at their very best.
In this final episode, JB and John Mattone explore the roles that leadership, talent and culture play is driving an organization to success, and creating more passionate and committed employees and leaders. They also dive into the 5C's of culture and how important they are to a building and sustaining a healthy and vibrant culture of an organization.
To learn more, please visit my website: johnburt.intelligentleadershipec.com, or send me an email: jburt@intelligentleadershipec.com.